Monday, March 30, 2020
Different Methods of Learning About Phonics
Different Methods of Learning About PhonicsIf you are interested in phonics tutoring, there are a lot of places to go for lessons and teaching materials. There are various ways that you can choose to have your child's lesson time documented. You can either choose to have the lesson recorded and then later review it, or just take your own time to research on the subject. To help you decide on what is best for your child, here are some of the more popular methods of learning.These are known as online sites. These are the most common of all types of material, which makes them the most popular. Online teaching materials include videos, games, and other fun activities for your children to engage in. These sites usually do not offer a book. However, you can purchase your child a book of their choice through these sites.Lessons can be found at your local school, at the library, and in some government buildings. You can also go to a private tutor, or to a school district, and get lesson plan s for your child. There are all sorts of resources out there that you can find.It is a good idea to call your local district office and see if they have any supplies that your child can use. They may have materials that can help you with phonics that you cannot find in your home. Also, some schools will offer lessons that are more advanced than the standard approach.Other options that you can look into include the use of modern materials that teach your child new skills in this area. You can find resources for learning phonics at many of the most popular online resources. These can be a little expensive, but it is an investment that can be made at any age and can be very effective.Also, there are some traditional resources that you can choose from. For example, the U.S. Department of Education provides books for free that can be used for learning phonics. Many teachers make sure that their students have access to these materials to help them learn and also to be able to reinforce th e knowledge that they already have. There are also many fun activities that you can look into that can help your child to learn the concepts of phonics.After you know which way you would like to approach your phonics lessons, you should find out where your child's teacher takes their lessons. This can be very helpful in deciding what resources are available to you. This is especially true if your child is behind in their lessons.Phonics tutoring lessons are a great way to help your child learn the most efficiently. As long as you take your time to look for the resources that are available and make sure that your child is getting a quality education, then you should be able to help them learn the most effectively and quickly.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Why Office Gossip Is A No-Go
Why Office Gossip Is A No-Go You could get fired. The last thing you want to do is be fired. Unless you absolutely hate your job and refuse to quit. However, you usually want a job that pays the bills and that you sort of like. You should avoid gossip so it does not end up getting back to the wrong person, a.k.a. your boss. This is not only the worst possible case scenario, but also a situation that you will not want to be in the middle of. At least if it were me. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not 100 percent certain that you can legitimately be fired for this. But I would definitely recommend not getting involved. Plus, it looks way better if you report it to your superior, as opposed to taking part in it and encouraging the poor behavior. Be a bigger person, guys! You could hurt your potential career path. No one prefers to be considered a bad person. And if you do, then there is something certainly wrong with you. But hey, whatever floats your boat. But seriously, you do not want to be that guy that the office all collectively hates. You should avoid the gossip solely because it is not really the nice thing to do. And we are all about being nice people in society. Right? Right. This could end badly especially when considering your future career path. If you ever decide to switch jobs, a letter of recommendation would be super helpful and ideal. Get on your bosss bad side, and this will not end in a nice manner. Prepare for your future, people. Karma exists. Alright, so maybe you do not really believe in karma, but just go with it. Like I said, you never know what the future holds, so always be on your best behavior. If being decent is not a good enough reason, then think that it may come back to haunt you. Discussing gossip is the wrong move because if you rat on someone, they are bound to want to get you back. Therefore you basically cannot do one small thing wrong without it being a ginormous deal that everyone and their mother knows about. The thing also with karma is that if you are gossiping about a certain co-worker, chances are they are also discussing you and your mishaps unless they refuse to get involved in such a thing, which should be your take on the situation. So learn from them. Gossip gives you a negative attitude. A main reason why you should avoid gossip in the office is because it is not only a bad look, but also will leave you in a negative mindset. And no one likes someone who constantly rains on their parade. This will most likely venture off into other areas of your life eventually. What I mean is that work is a major part of your every day, as well as your life in general. It is another chapter in the book of your life. Who knew? Plus, Negative Nancy’s are not likable, so if anything, this will not make having friends any easier. Gossiping just creates an atmosphere of unpleasantness and an environment where your co-workers probably will not want to befriend you. Allies are a good thing. Although it can be uber tempting to discuss your co-workers just because you feel like it and do not feel like completing any work that you are actually getting paid for, it is not the best idea. Obviously. You want to be someone that others feel comfortable working with, and if anything, just someone who brings positivity, not pessimism. You do not have to be the friendliest guy in the office, but you have to be better than the one everyone collectively hates. Gossiping in the office is a bad call because it will most likely come back and bite you in the butt (cue karma), can label you as a bad person, potentially leave you jobless and in trouble, and even force you to have a negative, mean attitude. Basically, there are no pros coming out of this, so avoid, avoid and avoid.
How to Start a Tutoring Service at Home
How to Start a Tutoring Service at HomeHow to start a tutoring service at home? It's easy, and as the great director of an African American College Mentoring Service once said, 'If you can teach them how to do something, they will be more apt to learn it'. Most parents are simply unaware of the great service that their children get by the tutors.There are millions of African American students in our nation today who are waiting for tutors. They need extra support, but they don't have time to attend regular college classes or colleges, plus they don't have money for tuition. Tutors can help out these students with extra help for schoolwork and also tutoring after school. The times are simply not right for these students to go to school, so their best option is to stay home and take advantage of tutoring services at home.Tutoring is an ideal for most of the students because it helps them stay focused and stay motivated during their schooling days. This is a great way to keep students o n task and focused. It also builds the self-esteem of the student by making him realize how smart he is. Some students are very shy and tend to self-medicate by getting consumed with their own problems and thus wean themselves off from attending class.When I attended my first college in the early 70's, there were only a few people in the entire college who knew how to start a tutoring service at home. This is because of the lack of awareness. As more students became involved in education, tutoring and college, many have become conscious of the importance of being able to understand how to start a tutoring service at home.Nowadays, there are an abundance of tutoring programs available online where students can get help for free. This shows that the demand for these services is constantly increasing, and for this reason many companies have started offering these programs online.There are many tutoring companies available online, but it is important to check the credentials of the tuto ring company. These companies must have a solid knowledge of business, a good customer support system, a good track record of achieving high rankings in every major review site. Many of these services offer tutoring for free. This is great for parents who are in need of extra help.You can always go through different sources such as Yahoo Answers to learn more about how to start a tutoring service at home. This will enable you to find out which tutoring service is the best for your child.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Learn to Speak Fluently With Rosetta Stone
Learn to Speak Fluently With Rosetta StoneDr. Rosetta Stone is a very famous program that claims to be the most effective method to learn English. This is because of its ability to teach pronunciation and grammar. Unlike other programs, this one does not focus on only one thing but offers comprehensive approach in learning any subject you may want to learn.For students who are looking for the best way to learn English from the comfort of their home, there is nothing better than Rosetta Stone. If you want to learn any foreign language fast, here are some tips that will help you know more about this program.To be able to speak fluently using Rosetta Stone, you have to have a proper pronunciation. It has a special system to determine pronunciation which is based on the way you pronounce each syllable. The best way to learn from Rosetta Stone is to learn by yourself. There are thousands of review videos that can help you choose the right Rosetta Stone lesson for you.After deciding on the lessons that you need, you have to go through the lessons to make sure that it suits your need. There are several lessons that can help you learn the phonetics part of the English language such as the pronunciations of the consonants and vowels. It even includes instructions on how to pronounce each word.In order to learn English as quickly as possible, you need to learn the real pronunciation. But, this doesn't mean that the lessons are complicated to learn because they offer easy to understand instructions.Before you try to get the best result from Rosetta Stone, you should know how to use the software effectively. For this, you should choose the study session that best fits your needs. If you want to learn fast, choose the free lesson.To be able to learn English faster, try to find the best Rosetta Stone lessons. By making a choice wisely, you will get the best way to learn English without being bored. These free lesson will also help you learn quickly.
Guidelines For Students to Use to Get Through Biology, Chemistry Courses, and Other Various Chemistry Subjects
Guidelines For Students to Use to Get Through Biology, Chemistry Courses, and Other Various Chemistry SubjectsThanks to the great work of Laurence S. and Edward J. MacLeod, there are many guidelines in place that would make it easier for future chemists to get into and finish their degree. With the proper guidance and mentoring, it can be done. With a little dedication, time, and support, a student can succeed in life after university. There are many tips and hints that can be applied to this.Laurence and Edward MacLeod, professors at the University of Sydney, set out to prepare students to take a degree, even if they have never done so before. They created the Nobel prize chemistry student guide, which was created to help students get through the maze of classes, so they can concentrate on learning the formulas and directions for doing research. The guide is based on the Synergy Approach to Chemistry, which is a very popular method of teaching chemistry. In this method, a student ca n combine different elements together and learn the theory behind it.The techniques used in the macLeod's Nobel prize chemistry student guide are based on these principles. They explain how to mix up different elements to form a compound, from its various stages of mixing together. This information can be applied to any other subject as well.Laurence and Edward MacLeod, created a science fair for their students where they shared their knowledge and information about working with solvents and gases. This proved useful in many students, especially students that might need to work in an environment where these types of chemicals are used. Students were able to gain an understanding of how to deal with these types of chemicals and what to expect from these professionals.The Laurence and Edward macLeod Nobel prize chemistry student guide also has tips that pertain to dealing with students who have little or no experience in working with scientific equipment. For instance, there are guide s that will show students how to safely operate a range of chemistry equipment, such as the old-fashioned thermometer. There are also techniques that can be used to communicate with other students and professors at the university. This is good advice for those that are new to the university and finding it difficult to get along with everyone else.The main goal of these guides is to help students get past the difficult parts of the chemistry courses, so they can start to enjoy them. The book's main intention is to help students get through each step of the process of getting a chemistry degree, before they actually start the actual course. Students will see how easy it is to make use of certain chemicals materials, such as acids and bases, and then have an understanding of how these are used in the lab.Laurence and Edward MacLeod were pioneers in creating the Nobel prize chemistry student guide, as well as other information for people taking chemistry courses. These guides are availa ble online for anyone to get their hands on.
In-State vs. Out-of-State Colleges How to Choose
In-State vs. Out-of-State Colleges How to Choose Selecting a college that is right for you can seem like an impossible decision. Chances are, your state offers several possibilities, ranging from public universities to private liberal arts schools. There are schools in your town, nearby towns, and other states or even countries. There are colleges offering large campuses, small class sizes, and every student to teacher ratio in between. The act of selecting a school can quickly become overwhelming. While there are many ways to narrow down your search, location can be a big one for some students. So, how do you choose? Comparing in-state and out-of-state colleges can be a good place to begin. Think about where you want to live Before you even begin to think about cost or any number of factors, consider where it is you want to live for the next four-plus years. If you love your home state and hope to end up there someday, you may seriously consider an in-state school. If youre looking for a change, an out-of-state school may be the right choice for you. For many students, it can be easier to find employment after graduation in the town or state in which they received their degree. Students hold internships, make connections, and become a part of the community in which they study, so finding a location you enjoy can narrow down your choices. Consider the cost A great way to compare in-state and out-of-state schools is by looking at a breakdown of what it might cost to attend each. Out-of-state tuition can be very costly, but some schools offer waivers or other forms of financial aid. Find out as much as you can about particular policies regarding tuition and see if it fits realistically within your budget. Some students choose to begin their studies at an in-state school, saving money to transfer to an out-of-state school down the road. Do some investigating to find out if this is an option that might work for you. [RELATED: 3 Questions to Ask Your College About Financial Aid] Look at degree programs of interest If youve got your heart set on studying something specific, it is important to know that not all schools are created equal. Some schools only offer a limited number of majors, leaving you to explore out-of-state opportunities. Some degree programs are location specificif you want to study marine biology, for instance, Idaho may not be the right state for you. Similarly, New York City may not be your ideal location if youre interested in rural wildfires. [RELATED: How to Design Your Own College Major] Certain schools and even degree programs also monitor the number of students accepted in-state and out-of-state, meaning your chances of getting into a school or program could potentially vary based on where youre coming from. This will be good information to find out, no matter your decision. Evaluate potential opportunities If youre a student athlete and hope to pursue your sport in college, location can be a factor worthy of consideration. Some schools offer great ski programs while others specialize in soccerwhere do you fit in? Climate and geography can be limiting factors in these situations. Maybe youre interested in investigative journalism and find a lack of options within your state. In this case, look for out-of-state schools that excel in your chosen field. Youll also want to think about potential experiences available in and out of your state. For some students, college is all about trying new things. For them, an out-of-state college might be just the ticket to adventure and education. For others, in-state schools offer the same amount of opportunities while remaining somewhat familiar. The bottom line Ultimately, the best way to see if a college, be it in-state or out of it, is right for you is to take a trip there. If possible, make multiple visits at different times of year. This will give you a good idea of what the climate and general atmosphere of the school (and location) is like. Youll also see how students interact with one another and youll have an opportunity to discuss possible financial aid options in person. [RELATED: Top 10 Tips for College Campus Visits] In-state colleges are great options for some students, while the out-of-state experience is right for others. Identifying a college that is the right fit will be extremely beneficial in your future academic success. Take your time and find out whats right for you.
Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Music Students
Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Music Students Suzy S. These days, busy seems like the norm. Kids schedules are packed with extracurriculars, and some families are barely making time for dinner. College students are running from classes to internships, and most adults are just trying to find that elusive work-life balance. What ever happened to taking a break, grabbing your guitar, and noodling away for an afternoon? While you cant shirk your responsibilities, there are ways to manage your schedule and, consequently, end up with more time to spend on your music. Here are a few time-saving hacks for aspiring musicians: (1) Schedule in your practice time, in a dedicated space. If youre using Im too busy! as an excuse not to practice, consider the power of scheduling in your practice sessions. For the super-organized, this might mean literally writing it on your calendar, or even setting a reminder on your phone. A huge part of time management is also recognizing when youre most productive. Select a time of day when youre able to focus on your music, without distractions. And dont stress about the duration: even if its just 15 minutes, that time is well-spent. Another tip is to create a dedicated practice space. Leaving your instrument out may not be an option if you have pets or kids running around, but consider organizing all of your music and accessories (music stand, metronome, etc.) in one spot. That way, youre not sifting through piles of sheet music to find what you need, or rushing to pack up your bag before heading to a lesson. (2) Focus on the right things. So weve established so far: if you have 10 or 15 minutes, you have time to practice! But how do you make sure that time is effective? To start, think about the three most important things youre trying to improve. Is it a specific passage in a song? Are you struggling with a certain technique? Dive in and focus on those things to make the best use of your time. For more specific strategies, check out these tips for drum practice and tips for guitar practice. (3) Consider online music lessons. The data doesnt lie: more and more students are getting comfortable with learning online. Weve seen a huge increase in online students, as teachers and students alike get comfortable with this new technology. And why wouldnt they? The days of scouring through racks of records, tapes, and CDs are long-gone; now, you can download entire albums with one click. If you want to pull up the guitar chords for a certain song, youre likely Googling it on your iPhone instead of thumbing through books or sheet music. With video chat programs like the TakeLessons Classroom (our version of Skype, only much cooler!), students can connect with music teachers anywhere. And since youre taking these lessons at home, youre cutting out the hassles of commuting. Instead, use those precious minutes to warm up or practice a few songs. Immediately after your lesson, run through what you learned before you forget! The bottom line? Being busy shouldnt stop you from pursuing your passion or hobby. If music is important to you, make the time for it; youll notice it really does make a difference in your progress! Interested in online music lessons? Browse teacher profiles and learn about our lesson programs here! Photo by AKZOphoto Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher
Why Bother Playing the Guitar Here are Some Benefits.
Why Bother Playing the Guitar Here are Some Benefits. What are the Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument Like The Guitar? ChaptersWhy You'll Never Regret Learning How to Play Guitar.It’s a Scientific Fact: the Guitar Brings Pleasure Playing Guitar Releases StressThe Guitar Takes Away Pain. The Guitar Boosts Brain ActivityGuitar Playing Improves Your HeartThe Guitar Boosts Your Self-ConfidenceGuitar Playing Improves Your Creativity and Your ConcentrationThe Guitar Increases Your Power of SeductionHave you ever asked yourself why guitarists seem so relaxed and at ease on stage? What is it about the guitar player that is so zen - playing guitar chords like it's the easiest thing in the world? Some guitar players even appear immortal, like Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones.Is it that they have better doctors than us normal folk? A healthier lifestyle? Surely not….So read on to discover how playing a chord on a Fender can stimulate your gray matter, wipe away your stress and even boost your sex-appeal! Because a guitar teacher isn't just unlocking your knowledge of tablature and the pentatonic, bu t is doing you all sorts of favours that you'll appreciate later on!Whatever the time period, the guitar has always been an attractive, even captivating, musical instrument. It’s the ideal tool for seducing as well as for expressing oneself freely through one’s own compositions or playing classic guitar tunes.There is no ideal age for playing the guitar: whether you’re 8, 18, 38 or 68 years old, age makes no difference. From the moment that you feel the urge to play the guitar, once the motivation is there, well that’s the right moment to get started.What’s more, you can play all the musical styles that you want to on the guitar, like blues, rock, pop, reggae, funk, punk or even classical music. You do have the acoustic guitar, the electric guitar, and the classical guitar for a reason!You just have to choose the appropriate guitar. This advice will help both absolute beginners and even more advanced players.All the same, to be certain that the sounds you’re making aren ’t tempting your family and neighbors to cry, we recommend learning the basics of this instrument by taking guitar lessons and watching guitar videos. Don’t, obviously, forget to tune your guitar. But you'll have to learn a bit of everything - from power chords to the major scale, from fingerpicking to advanced guitar tricks - to ensure you are getting everything you can out of your new guitar.Whether they are online courses, guitar lessons with a private instructor, or classes in a music school, the training should correspond to your individual needs.Once you’ve acquired the guitar basics, from learning to read music and develop a fingerstyle and strumming patterns, you’ll happily discover that you can play several pieces of music. From easy songs, basic chords, and barre chords, you’ll soon make your way to more advanced guitar solos!But, beyond that, whether it’s from the pleasure of playing or copying tunes, playing the guitar has numerous other affects, notably on o ur wellbeing and health.It’s a Scientific Fact: the Guitar Brings Pleasure Let’s be clear, it’s not just the guitar â€" all musical practice brings real pleasure.According to a neuroscience study at the University of McGill in Montreal, Canada, listening and playing guitar liberates wellbeing hormones like dopamine, the hormone of happiness as it’s popularly known.Guitar playing makes you happy!According to this same study, playing the guitar and listening to music triggers the same chemical process at the level of the brain as having a sexual experience.So while it sounds strange, some say that playing the guitar is a sort of musical masturbation.The word comes off a bit strong, but the facts have proven it: the more you listen to music or play the guitar, the more pleasure you take from it, as your brain secretes the hormone dopamine. Time to get started on those guitar scales and octaves!So forget all your preconceived ideas about the guitar! It's not all chord progressi ons, guitar tabs, and songs to learn. Or, at least, it is - but it's a lot more than that too.Playing Guitar Releases StressWe all have really full days from time to time, and whether it’s in our private sphere or professional milieu, some are more stressful than others, right?Between your boss who aggravates you, bills that come at the worst time, traffic jams, bad weather, terrible dates, there are a thousand and one reasons to be stressed during the day.Need to take a moment for the self by playing guitar?Fortunately, once you have your own Gibson Les Paul guitar or your Telecaster, plug it into a Marshall guitar amp and you strum those first guitar strings, the stress will fade away in no time at all.Wit a few indispensable guitar accessories like a pick, capo, and metronome you are ready to go! You’ll be playing like Clapton soon enough…Whether you take guitar courses with an instructor, follow an online guitar course, or you play alone in your room, the effect is the same: you’ll loosen up by playing those six strings (and this goes for all styles, be it on a classical bass, acoustic bass, blues guitar, rock guitar, or rhythm guitar). Whether it's jazz guitar you play or the chord progression of your favorite songs by Hendrix you practice, all of this will help.According to a double study led by Loma Linda University in California and its School of Medicine, stress is significantly reduced as soon as one plays an instrument like the guitar.And these virtues have been recognized since the origins of the guitar!This manifests itself on a genetic level: musical vibrations impact our blood pressure and immune system, which helps us fight viruses.The guitar is good for the health! If that's not a reason to learn how to play the guitar, I don't know what is!The Guitar Takes Away Pain. If you have chronic pains, or are suffering physically or psychologically, learning the guitar and listening to music allows your spirit to disconnect, considerably reducing pain.Enjoy playing the guitar.By focusing on intonations, musical vibrations, music theory, or on memorizing guitar songs, you’ll focus less on pain, allowing your body to relax and your spirit to escape.A study at the University of Utah with the Center of Pain Research illustrated these effects of music on the body. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Guitar Boosts Brain ActivityA recent Scottish study illustrated that if y ou play the guitar â€" true for any musical instrument â€" you are more able to sharpen your cerebral functions and activity.Playing the guitar heightens mental alacrity! Photo Visual Hunt.This is notably beneficial for the fight against mental degeneration in the short and long terms.So, “fret†no more! Stop taking pills for increasing your cerebral activity, and instead tune a guitar, take guitar lessons, consult your tablatures, study and play scales, and your brain will thank you. Are you fantasizing about that fretboard yet?Guitar Playing Improves Your HeartDid you know that rockers have rock-solid cardiovascular systems?Indeed, Dutch researchers have discovered that people who practice a musical activity like guitar playing for at least 100 minutes per day have significantly reduced blood pressure and cardiac rhythm when compared to those who don’t play music.This fact was included in another study by Boston’s Berklee School of Music led by the chair of the Music Thera py department, Suzanne Hanser.Playing music has real impact on our health, especially for the elderly as it slows down the heart, and lessens stress, anxiety and depression. Time to start researching those free guitar lessons…While you’re completely rapt up in your guitar playing, left in a trance by your music, your blood pressure falls to normal levels, and you feel more relaxed.And if you learn to sing at the same time as you play, this will also have a positive effect on your lungs, by making them work to their full capacity of oxygen.The Guitar Boosts Your Self-ConfidenceThe guitar is an excellent outlet.While singing brings an immediate health benefit, in general, playing and creating your own music allows you to freely express yourself, your emotions, ideas, and you who are to others.Find your confidence by playing those 6-strings! Image Visual Hunt.In expressing yourself completely and without censure on your guitar, you will liberate a strong emotional charge, which wil l heighten your self-confidence.Singing a song or playing a piece of music may prove to be easy for some, but creating, composing, and inventing one represents an entirely different personal challenge. As soon as you’ve done it, you will have gained an enormous amount of confidence in yourself.Every songwriter has the knowledge that he or she is fully capable of inventing something unique.Haven't you heard? A confident person is almost as sexy as guitar music!Guitar Playing Improves Your Creativity and Your ConcentrationSimply start with Guitar 101. The more you play guitar, the more your brain accumulates information: as soon as you’ve acquired all the guitar basics like the main chords, playing with a pick, finger placement to pull off chords sequences or play your first solos, you’ll realize that you want to keep on learning.It’s as though you put your finger inside gears and it’s impossible to get out of them.Bring out your creative potential by taking guitar lessons! Image: Visual Hunt.Once you’ve mastered the techniques by taking guitar classes, for instance, you’ll be able access the more creative part of guitar playing.According to an important study from the prestigious University of Cambridge, musicians and especially guitarists continue to be creative even when they’ve stopped playing their instrument.They’ve invested so much into their music that their entire environment becomes a pretext for composing or making changes to their music.It’s often during a walk, or during an evening with friends, when you hear a sound, a rhythm or that you feel a certain emotion that you want to put to music.The Guitar Increases Your Power of SeductionYes it’s a cliché. But it’s also a scientific fact.The guitar reinforces your power of seduction. Ah to be a guitarist! It’s a whole other world, isn’t it?Researchers in psychology have made music-based studies that illustrate how women more freely associate musical capacity with intelligen ce, commitment, determination in work and physical prowess.Learning to play the guitar can make you really quite attractive.Why do women love guitarists, who are unrivaled in comparison to other men?Here are three reasons that show why the guitar is ideal for flirting:Guitarists are seen as being more creative and imaginative than other people. This also has to do with the amount of charisma they give off.The neuroscientist Daniel Levitin explains that music played on the guitar draws most of the lobes of the brain and the emotions that it generates. In sum, guitar music connects with our deepest emotions that are impossible to control.The myth of the bad boy/girl: it’s pretty much a fact that the guitarist is synonymous with freedom, even at the expense of social rules. Ever heard of the famous saying “Sex, drugs and rock’n’rollâ€? Enough said!And what if we said that learning guitar is a remedy for aging?In conclusion, we can affirm that the guitar is the best medicine ag ainst ennui and depression. So what are you waiting for to buy a guitar?It relaxes guitarists and brings numerous physical and mental benefits.So be kind to your neurons by strumming the strings of your Gibson or Fender Stratocaster like the famous guitarists!Take your daily dose of serotonin, endorphin and oxytocin by getting that guitar out!You can even give lessons eventually!
What is it Like to Attend Ohio University
What is it Like to Attend Ohio University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Kedrin is an Atlanta tutor and a 2013 graduate of Ohio University where he studied communications, English, and theater. He currently specializes in math tutoring, English tutoring, and numerous other areas. See what he had to say about his time at Ohio University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Kedrin: The campus setting can be overwhelming at first. Its the first time that you are on your own in a sense. Activity is vast and extensive; its almost as if you dont know exactly what to engage in first. However, its all about catering to your intereststhe campus setting has something for every individual. You will find an eclectic selection of people on campus; its the equivalent of getting your first taste of the real world. It can be both exciting and intimidating; however, everything will be just fine. Campus is both urban and safe. Its like being in a hip, upbeat city with your peers where there is time for fun and academics. Theres always something to do whether it be a gathering, social event or an event hosted by the school itself. Security is always on duty at all hours of the day and night. If you would like someone to escort you back to your dorm late at night, there are security officials on hand for that. Most freshmen are not allowed to have cars; this is where bus es become useful transportation. In addition, you can catch campus buses to/from your classes as well (freshmen or not). You dont need a car/bike on campus, but most upperclassmen like to have one when its allowed. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants at Ohio University? Kedrin: Professors, academic advisers and teaching assistants are very accessible. The most common way to contact these officials would be via email. Most of these individuals are usually very efficient when it comes to responding promptly. In addition, you can always set up appointments to visit with professors, academic advisers and teaching assistants in your spare time. I would recommend this as well. Its always nice to be able to communicate in-person with staff on campus. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Kedrin: Dorm life is something that I think all students should experience. Its not the most glamorous way of living, but its also one that you will always remember. The rooms are usually much smaller than your room at home. I wouldnt suggest bringing everything you own. In addition, you are likely to have a roommate or roommates (unless you request a single room). Dining options usually fall under the category of a meal plan. A meal plan consists of a specific amount that you are given to spend each week on food. This amount is loaded onto a card weekly that you just swipe for purchases. There are small grocery stores on campus, dining halls, food courts, etc. all for food options. There are also always fast food restaurants that you can eat at, but you will have to spend your own money at those places. Meal plans usually dont apply. The location of dormitories is central to everything you will need as a student. In fact, its so central that you will be able to walk to everywhere yo u need to be (class, events, to eat, etc.). Some walks may be longer than others, but its never too bad! The opportunity to socialize with other students is all around you! Dorm life is the perfect opportunity for this. You naturally and organically get to know the people that stay in the same residence hall as you. There are activities and social gatherings specific to your residence hall, which also allows you to socialize with other students. Also, getting involved on campus is a great way to connect with students. I would recommend joining a club or organization that you are interested in. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported at Ohio University? Kedrin: I would say the major or program that is best represented/supported would be anything in the School of Business. Business is a typical and popular area of study for a lot of students. A degree in business opens the door for a range of opportunities in the workforce. Also, communications is well represented and supported at universities (for the same reasons). I studied journalism with a focus in broadcast. Ive always been interested in entertainment and television. I also had minors in Theater and English. I felt these areas of studies reflected my interests. I didnt want to choose another area of study just for the sake of security after college. I recommend studying what interests you and the opportunities will come. The university did a fabulous job of supporting my area of study. The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism is one of the most noted in the country. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Kedrin: It wasnt difficult for me to meet people as a freshman. Im a people person and can get along with almost anyone. I think it really depends on the person and his or her personality. Its important to keep an open mind because you will meet several people that are different than you are (which makes the college experience what it is). Greek life is very present on campus. For me, it didnt influence my social life one way or another. At the end of the day, they are students and people just like everyone else. Greek life has just always been something that a certain group of people cater to. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Kedrin: The Career Center is a resource I would suggest all students take advantage of while it is accessible to them. A college campus prepares you for life after college. It would only make sense that resources relating to careers, employment, etc. be reachable for students. There are career fairs and events that several reputable companies come to for the purpose of recruiting students for potential employment. Its a great thing given that students get to see what awaits them post graduation (and options that they have). The Career Center is beneficial for helping you narrow down what you may be interested in as a career. A lot of times students go through their undergraduate years unsure. Career resources on campus help you get rid of some of this uncertainty. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Kedrin: Libraries, the student union and dorm lounges are good for a number of things. Studying, organization meetings, social gatherings, or just to hang out; these are all things that take place in these particular places on campus. As a student, these areas are always easily accessible to you. However, depending on where you are in the semester (or the time of day), the issue of over-crowding could be active. This usually occurs during finals week. A lot of studying takes place during this time. You will find that libraries are full of students when finals are about to take place. Its all part of the college experience. Describe the surrounding town at Ohio University. Kedrin: The surrounding area is a small town. The university is actually the main attraction in Athens, Ohio. However, all of your normal establishments are still there (Walmart, Kroger, McDonalds, a movie theater, bowling alley, etc.). The university itself is what makes Athens fun, and a town to always remember. Athens doesnt have a downtown or city area. The uptown area on campus actually serves as the substitute for what one would consider downtown. Individuals who do not attend the university would sometimes make their way to uptown for entertainment. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Kedrin: The student body is very large at Ohio University. Students love the university given that its like its own little town where memories are created. I was pleased with the typical class size. It really helped create the experience of what its like to be a college student in a college classroom (while also being part of the general student body). If the class size had been too small, it would take away from the experience. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Kedrin: One class I loved the most was a theater/acting class that I took. I am a lover of the arts and entertainment. I enjoyed this class so much that sometimes it didnt even feel like a real class. We were required to go see plays, movies and things relating to the arts. Ill never forget The Addams Family Musical came to campus, and it was our assignment to go see the show and write a review. How cool is that?! Check out Kedrin's tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.
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